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Tuesday, 17 October 2017

Cyber cold war is just getting started - Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton embarked on a speaking tour of Britain with a message that the Brexit referendum was won on the basis of a big lie and warning that Vladimir Putin has been conducting a “cyber cold war” against the west.

She asked more ladies to enter governmental issues and commended the individuals who talked up about the Hollywood motion picture head honcho and Democratic contributor Harvey Weinstein, saying his detailed conduct was sickening.

In other comments during the Cheltenham literary festival, she accused the Kremlin of waging an information war throughout the 2016 US election process. The tactics “were a clear and present danger to western democracy and it is right out of the Putin playbook”, she said.

“We know Russian agents used Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and even Pinterest to place targeted attack ads and negative stories intended not to hurt just me but to fan the flames of division in our society. Russians posed as Americans pretending to be LGBT and gun rights activists, even Muslims, saying things they knew would cause distress.”

“In addition to hacking our elections, they are hacking our discourse and our unity. We are in the middle of a global struggle between liberal democracy and a rising tide of illiberalism and authoritarianism. This is a kind of new cold war and it is just getting starting.”

The Russian campaign was leading to nationalism in Europe, democratic backsliding in Hungary and Poland, and a loss of faith in democracy, she said.

She said one proposition was for the president to be required to look for the help of the safeguard secretary or secretary of state before propelling an assault. She included she didn't know whether the Trump administration would survive, guaranteeing that numerous Republicans were as worried as her about the harm being done to American foundations.

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